
First day of the BVDV International Congress

On Monday, July 12 the International Congress of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) was initiated addressing the problems raised by the disease in cattle as well as its enormous economic losses and alternatives for its control. Bioinnovo, the public-private company formed by Vetanco and INTA, has organized the First International Congress…

First International Congress on Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus

On Monday, July 12, and August 2, 2021, Bioinnovo organizes the First International Congress of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV), which will be held virtually. Bioinnovo, a public-private partnership between Vetanco and INTA, is the organizer of the First International Congress of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus, to be…

RedBio Argentina awards Vedevax BLOCK

RedBio Argentina awarded the poster of Bioinnovo on the latest field results of the first subunit vaccine against the bovine viral diarrhea virus, Vedevax BLOCK. During the 13th RedBio National Symposium 2021, held on June 8-11, with the title “Biotechnology as a Solution to Past Challenges,” technical posters were exhibited. Bioinnovo’s…

Vetanco & Bioinnovo at the CRWAD Conference

Our specialists participated in the “Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases 2020” held virtually last December 5-8. The “Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases 2020”, locally known as “CRWAD 2020 Conference” took place last December 5-8 in a virtual modality.   Bioinnovo–Vetanco and Vetanco USA specialists…

A new achievement in the fight against COVID-19

A multidisciplinary team, where Bioinnovo SA participates, developed IgY avian antibodies that neutralize the COVID-19 virus. The project “Development and production of critical reagents for diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19: Nanoantibodies, IgY polyclonal antibodies, and recombinant proteins” gathers researchers of INTA, CONICET, the National Institute of Infectious Diseases…