
Recognition of a History of Hard Work and Dedication to Science

NRCC (Canada), INTA, and Bioinnovo were awarded in the “Concurso Soluciones Innovadoras EMPRETEC BNA 2024”, for the development of an innovative vaccine for preventing the aphthous fever. Among more than 1,500 applicants, the project developed jointly by the National Research Council of Canada (NRCC) and…

Diagnosis, vaccination, and biosecurity to control BVDV

“We must take a three-pronged approach to address the problem: diagnosis, prevention through vaccination and biosecurity of facilities”. Said by Dr. Paul Walz, of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Auburn University, Alabama, in the United States, during the 3rd International Congress of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) organized…

3rd International Congress on Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus

At this year’s event, which will be held under the theme “Impact and Management of BVD Virus in Cattle,” international experts will discuss strategies to control this disease and mitigate its impact on livestock. Next August 28 at 6:00 PM, the 3rd International Congress on Bovine Viral Diarrhea…

Vedevax Block Vaccine finalist for the Empretec Award

The world’s first targeted vaccine against the Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV), developed by Bioinnovo, was one of 4 finalists in its category among around 1,000 projects submitted at the 13th edition of the Pioneering Solutions Contest from Banco Nación, aimed at SMEs and enterprises….

BVDV, immunosuppression, and its impact on cattle herds

Knowledge about the impact of this virus on production and control measures to mitigate its effect on the herd was disseminated at the Second International Congress on Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV), convened by Bioinnovo and INTA. The Second International BVDV Congress, held virtually by…

Innovation in Veterinary Vaccines

Bioinnovo has participated in 2021 ISV Annual Virtual Congress by sharing experiences in the development of innovative veterinary vaccines to fight against several diseases, and by introducing the successful case of Vedevax Block, the first subunit recombinant vaccine in the world that has been approved…

BVDV Differential Diagnosis and Management Strategies

The Workshop “BVDV Differential Diagnosis and Management Strategies” took place as part of the first International Congress on BVDV. Bioinnovo, the first public-private company created by Vetanco and the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), aimed at investigating, designing and developing IgY antibodies and recombinant vaccines, and at…