Bioinnovo launched a new treatment for neonatal calf diarrhea

Bioinnovo launched a new treatment for neonatal calf diarrhea

BIOINNOVO presented BIOINNOVO IgY DNT, a true innovation for the control of calf scours, a condition that causes the death of 20% of the affected animals, at Arturo E. Ragonese Botanical Garden, INTA Castelar.

It is the first biological product developed in Argentina based on Y immunoglobulins, or IgY antibodies, to treat neonatal calf diarrhea (NCD). This is a highly prevalent disease that may affect up to 60% of beef calves and 100% of dairy calves.

To fight this endemic disease, Bioinnovo launched in the market “this innovative product against economically-relevant pathogens that protects calves against diarrhea. In addition to reducing the use of antibiotics, it does not induce bacterial or viral resistance,” said Andrés Wigdorovitz, Bioinnovo’s Researcher and Director.

Amadeo Nicora, DVM, INTA’s President; Héctor Espina, INTA’s National Director; Jorge Winokur, Vetanco’s President; and Dr Andrés Wigdorovitz, Coordinator of INCUINTA CICVyA and Bioinnovo’ Director, made the opening remarks.

The event continued with technical presentations on several aspects of the product, including its recommended use and benefits. Dr Viviana Parreño, biochemist, Head of INCUINTA’s R&D Sector, Lab VD (Diarrheal Virus Laboratory), CICVyA’s Institute of Virology, spoke about the current situation of calf neonatal diarrhea. Dr Celina Vega and Dr Marina Bok, researchers at INCUINTA, introduced the development of the IgY Technology. Maren Ebinger, dairy producer and consultant, reported on field trials with IgY DNT in Argentina. Finally, Adrián Balbi, DVM, Vetanco’s Business Manager – Animal Breeding & Pets, made a sales presentation on the product.

This innovative treatment was developed by the first technology-based public-private company, a partnership between the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) and the animal health company Vetanco S.A., both from Argentina. Bioinnovo is currently known as a leading case for being the first company of its kind created under the Biotechnology Act, within the “Program to Promote Technology-Based Companies” of the Argentinian Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation.

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